Friday, February 26, 2010

It's not my money maker!

So, I had a little incident. (Zack, Sorry you had to witness me investigating the degree of the injury.) I was trying to get a 45# plate on the farmers handle and it slipped and cut my finger. It hurt a little and I continued to try and squeeze the plate on. I took a peek at my finger and I was like "Wow, That's gashed!" I pulled the side a little and I'm pretty sure I saw bone. So, I gave my finger an eye-lid.

You really have to enlarge this pic to get the full effect!

I'm pretty sure I needed stitches but I put on a band-aid and it stopped bleeding. I told Chris, "I probably need stitches, but it's only a finger. It's not like it's my money maker. If it was my face I'd go get stitches."
I think he responded with "That would be an upgrade." (what-a-f*cker) I thought it was funny as shi*t but I ignored him and continued to do my box squats. Worked with some really light weight just to work on sitting back on to the box and not allowing my shins to pass my knees.

10x2 135# wide stance, box below parallel. Every minute on the minute.

Got home and Mandie made me soak it in peroxide, she told me not to open it but I did. I wanted to make sure it didn't get infected. It's pretty nasty. She did it up with some Neosporin and bandaged me up.   It's pretty nice having a nurse around. Last time it was "Mandie come look at my pee. It's really bubbly and I might have rhabdo'ed myself".

Not sure how my finger's gonna fair in workouts. I might be only doing the slow lifts until I know for sure it's mended. I guess it's a good time to work on the GHD machine.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm back!!!

It's awesome. Thanks to JJ I have videos of all three of my WODs for Sectionals. JJ you are the man!

It's been quite a while since I've posted but thing have been nuts between Sectionals and getting the new box up and running. It's funny how so many people say congrats to me on the new box and I feel like I should be saying thank you to everyone for making it happen and having the patience while it was getting built out. Thank you everyone! We now have the home that we deserve!

Today was my first WOD back. It's been a really long time since I worked out with the class. I haven't worked out or ate well since Sectionals and was ready for the pain. It was a good warm up, but I still wasn't feeling warm/ready, snatches didn't feel good at all today. By the time I met my PR for the C&J, I was feeling warmed up.

Snatch 165, 175f
Clean and jerk 240, 245f

Isabel 4:21 (it wasn't pretty)

Midwestern Sectionals WOD#3

Midwest Sectional WOD#3 from Rudy Tapalla on Vimeo.

Midwestern Sectionals WOD#2

Midwestern Sectional WOD#2 from Rudy Tapalla on Vimeo.

Midwestern Sectionals WOD#1

Midwestern Sectional WOD#1 from Rudy Tapalla on Vimeo.

Friday, February 5, 2010

CrossFit hopping

Started off with stopping by CrossFit Invictus to say what's up to CJ. Then ate breakfast at the Broken Yolk. Then headed to CrossFit East Village. Sat around a while and killed sometime chatting with members until Coach and Tony Budding arrived. Coach was asking me questions about a muscle up and how I do them. I answered and then I realized he meant a strict muscle up. Told him I didn't have one, he said I did and to get warmed up and he'll show me. Sure enough Coach and Tony coached me to do multiple strict muscle ups! Awesome experience to get coached by Coach!

Started my northern route and was going to drop by Oceanside CrossFit. They were closed until later. Hit up CrossFit San Clemente, short chat and the headed out to Brand X. I figured I'd go out there and kill sometime. It was a good long drive inland to Ramona. Walked in chatted with Jeff Martin a bit then they were like jump in on some banded deadlifts. I was planning on taking a day off but I have never done any banded work...constantly varied right?

10x2 265+EFTSblack and orange bands

That was very interesting! Stuck around to watch a couple of classes and watch some badasses! Awesome! The only thing that sucked was driving back. It was raining and I had to super concentrate on following the yellow line so I didn't go careening off the side of the mountain. I made it. On to the Summit tomorrow! Stoked!

San Diego

Landed in San Diego and headed straight to Brian's box. Arrived at CrossFit Counter Culture just in time to catch Coach Glassman, Tony Budding, and Dave Castro. Stuck around for Brian's class. Fun gymnastics warm-up.

AMRAP in 20min
12 Burpees
100ft of lunges with 45# bar in rack position
24 Double unders

6 rounds 12 burpees.

Stuck around afterwards and hit up Brett's BBQ. Had a salad and naked brisket (no BBQ sauce).

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Me time?

Alright Im not going to throw out excuses and make it easy on myself. I've slacked off a bit. Had some serious pain in my shoulder on Monday but it wasn't injured as it felt better on Tuesday. Still took the day off to let it heal a bit more. Then decided to play v-ball on it. One thing really occurred to me playing ball. I miss it!

I gave up making a lots of money personal training to follow my CrossFit/training passion and started my own business, not to make money, but in the aspiration of enjoying life. It's easy to work tons of hours a day when you do what you love. THe avalanche though of getting in the new space, out the old space, in the West Loop space, and all the regular things that come with business, I realize I haven't done much for myself. I don't get enough time to spend with Mandie and I don't really do anything now a days for myself.

If I survive this month, I'm going to make it a direct point to do more of the things I enjoy, maybe some volleyball, maybe just read a non-training, non-business book, take a weekend off, maybe go out drinking with friends. But for now I'll suffer through it and do what I have to do for the continued success of the CrossFit Chicago Community.

8pm @ WL
Warm-up 1000m row 335.3 When this felt exhausting I knew that Helen was not going to feel good. Oh well, can't have a PR day every WOD.

First round unbroken 3:00
Second round pull ups 6/6 3:40
Third round kbs 11/10 should have just held it together, pull ups 5,1,1,1,3 had some serious grip issues going on and had to do singles tried to gut out the end and almost slipped off the bar. This wod always kicks me. Not having run in a while also didn't help. I was heel striking right out of the gate.

Tomorrow's another day.

Is Sectionals over yet? I want pizza and donuts!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Man up!

7 Rounds for time of:
7 Power Snatch
7 Snatch balance
7 Ohs

Really wasn't feeling doing the 7s workout beforehand. My midback was a little more fried then expected... Really should have expected it with a PR snatch and shooting for a PR clean. DUMBASS! Manned up to the workout anyways as I knew it was specifically in my hurt zone. 15-20 minutes. 1st round felt great as it always should unbroken, 2nd round unbroken but starting to breathe hard. 3rd started to break up the snatches to save my lower back. By the time I got to the snatch balance I started to hurt big time in the wrists. This was a mental battle just me versus my wrist with 1/2 of a Level I Cert watching. Time splits: 3rd@6:08 4th@10:24 5th@13:19 6th@16:40 7th@18:42. Tried to fight for the last one unbroken after the power snatches but failed on my 5th OHS did a full snatch and 1 OHS.

This workout murdered my wrists. I cooled down a bit and did 3xHSPUs on the Rouge Parallelettes 4x,3x,1x

Then it was awesome just as I was finishing up SarahC came down to the Cert location and stopped in to say what's up! Awesome! I love it. It's like seeing family I haven't seen in a while. I also committed her to giving me some rowing lessons next time she's in town or sending her video to correct me.

Anyways, paid the piper. Last night in the middle of the night I started having major pain in my right shoulder. Nothing ever wakes me up and this woke me up anytime that I adjusted it last night. I'm really hoping this is just some super serious soreness. Today, I can't raise my arm above 6-8" before feeling pain. Rough part is that it's not on the surface. It's in there, in there. Legs are also sore in the quads and glutes so it might be a GH-Raise GHD sit-up day. We'll see.